Describing Architecture

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Alternative Lives / GKMP Architects


Drawings on white card, mounted on 45 no. Gaggia coffee tins, fixed to softboard. Approx. 1000 x 600mm, wall mounted.


Coffee n. brewed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds of several species of an evergreen shrub of the genus Coffea.

Coffee is slightly acidic and can have a stimulating effect on humans because of its caffeine content.


The process of making five domestic projects is presented using the tins that stored the coffee that fuelled the work. In order to provide a snapshot of this work process we have presented a series of nine drawings and images at different stages of each domestic project, forming a grid of forty five images. The images are mounted on the underside of coffee tins that have been amassed in the office since 2006. The coffee fuels our endeavours, but also provides the context for an office meeting every morning at which the drawings are shown, overlaid and discussed. The drawings and images are therefore circular and are cropped to form an abstract composition, a collection of fragments of domestic life.

Through the act of drawing we attempt to connect to and shape the future use of a dwelling and the way in which it is inhabited. It becomes the means by which we address the contingencies and complexities of human life. Our design process generally involves a process of overlay, whereby drawings are sketched over in a continuous process of alteration and modification.